


Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away. balloons The balloons are flying away. am, is, are 的使用口诀 我(I)是am, 我们(we)你们(you)他们(they)全用 are, 三他(he)/她(she)/它(it)后面是is. 单数名词用is, 复数名词都用are。 —He ______ playing football. is —What is he doing? They ____ ________ to music.are listening 重点短语及单词 1at the supermarket 在超市 2buy things for your birthday为你的生日买东西 3have a birthday party举行生日派对/举行生日聚会 4I can`t carry(搬/提/拎) everything(每件事物/每件东西). 我拎不动所有的东西了。 5Who can help me?谁能帮我. 6on the phone打电话 7Be careful.当心。 8 fall---falling 掉落/落下 9fly away ---flying away飞走 Part one/ Picture1 1 A Where`s simon`s mother? 2AWhat`s she doing? 3AIs Daming going to have a birthday party? B she`s at the supermarket. B she`s buying things for your birthday. B yes,he is. D:Where`s your mum? S:She`s___________________________. She`s_______________________________________. D:______ I ____________hve a birthday party? S: _______________________. Picture 2 1AWhat`s the matter with simon`s mother? B 2找出寻求帮助的句子 Awho can help me? 谁能帮助我?Bsorry,I can`t. 对不起,我不能。 C I can help you.我能帮你。 3填空 S/m____________________,I can`t carry everything.. S:__________ .I`m on the phone. D:____________________.I can carry this box. S/m:___________________,Daming. . going to Am buying things for your birthday party. at the supermarket. Yes,you are. She can`t carry everything. Who can help me? Sorry,I can`t I can help you Thank you, Picture 3 Q 1Awhat`s the matter with the oranges? B 2AWhat about the balloons? B The oranges are falling. The balloons are flying away. My kite is flying away. Who can help me? Sorry, I can’t. I can help you. My kite is flying away.Who can help me? Sorry,I can`t. I can help you. My apples are falling. Who can help me? Sorry, I can’t. I can help you. My apples are falling(落下,掉了). Who can help me? Sorry, I can`t. I can help you 向他人寻求帮助可以说: Who can help me ? 不能帮助别 人时,用英 语该怎么说 呀? Sorry, I can’t. 提供帮助可以说: I can help you. 宾格:我me/我们us/你你们you/ 他him/她her/它it/他们them ( )1.Who can help _______? A. he B. we C. my D. them ( )2.Mum is ________ in the kitchen. A. cooks B. cooking C. cook ( )3.What is ________doing? A. you B. they C. he ( )4.Listen! A boy ____________behind the wall. A. singing B.is sing C. sings D. is singing ( )5.The kite is ______________. A. flying away B. fly away C. flies away D B C D A 7 Be careful. The oranges ___________ A fall Bis going to fall Care falling 8 Am I going to ________a birthday party. A have B has C have 9She is buying things ________your birthday. A to B with C for 10 I can`t _________everything. A carries B carry Cis going to carry. 二抄写三个进行时的句子并翻译成汉语 三抄写下列句子 1I like you.我喜欢你。 2 you like me.你喜欢我。 3Who can help me?谁能帮我? 4I can help you.我能帮你。 5 Come and help us!来帮帮我们! 1She` s buying things for your birthday.她正在给你 生日买 东西。 2The balloons are flying away.气球正飞走了。 3The oranges are falling.橙子正掉了。 4Everything is falling.每样东西都掉了。 5The apples are falling down the stairs.苹果正掉下 楼梯. 6Cola is falling too.可乐也掉了。 7He`s trying to get on the bus.。他正尝试上车。 8She`s tying to get off the bus.她正尝试下车。 9I`m trying to drive the bus.我正尝试开车。 Thanks! 查看更多

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