


Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away. have a birthday party have a birthday party at the supermarket buy things for...... can't carry everything on the phone be careful happy birthday fly away balloon Listen and find out these words and phrases,then read them: 一、预习 balloon /bə'lu:n/ balloons The balloons are ___________. fly away flying away happy birthday carry carry everthing be careful at the supermarket buy things for...... have a birthday party on the phone fly away balloon 二、展示、点拨 生日快乐 搬,抬,提 拿任何东西 当心 在超市 为.....买东西 举办生日聚会 正在打电话 飞走 气球 Check the words and phrases. Q1:Where is mum? Q2:What is simon's mum trouble(困难)? Q3:What is simon doing? Q4:Who can help her? Q5:Who can’t help her? Watch, listen and answer. Q1:Where is mum? Q2:What is simon's mum trouble(困难)? Q3:What is simon doing? Q4:Who can help her? Q5:Who can’t help her? 2. Answer these questions. She's at the supermarket. She can't carry everything. He's on the phone. Daming can. Simon can’t. Then what’s happening? 然后发生了什 么? The oranges _____ The balloons _______ The balloons say, _________________ are falling . are flying away. “Happy birthday, Daming!” 向他人寻求帮助可以说: Who can help me ? 知识点拨 不能帮助别人 时,用英语该 怎么说呀? Sorry, I can’t. I can help you. 能帮助别人应 该怎么说 呀? Who can help me? Who can help me? I can help you. I can help you. Who can help me? Who can help me? Sorry, I can’t. Sorry, I can’t. Chant: 三、练习反馈 • A:My books are falling.Who can help me ? • B:Sorry,I can't. • C:I can help you. What's happening? Ask for help . A:My kite is flying away.Who can help me ? B:Sorry,I can't. C:I can help you. • A:My apples are falling.Who can help me ? • B:Sorry,I can't. • C:I can help you. 四、拓展提升 Grandma Dad Mum Fangfang Grandpa shine draw a picture sleep fly a kite eat swim 看图描述图中正在发生的事情。 Today is Sunday. They are having a picnic. The sun ___________________________. 查看更多

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