


Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. Period 1 Section A(1a-2d) 人教版 九年级下 习题链接 1 unexpected   2 By   3 backpack    4 oversleep 6 7 8 9 10 overslept; By the time had left; in; backpack go off; sleeping; woke put on; rushed out gave me a lift 先练后背 提示:点击 进入习题 5 lift 答案呈现 习题链接 题组专训 答案呈现 1 2 3 4 5 is full of is filling C unexpected B C Don't forget to give your parents a smile/a smile to your parents every day. D D 10 A 6 7 8 9 习题链接 题组专训 答案呈现 11 12 13 14 A D lift; lift; lift lifted D A B A D 1 2 3 4 5 had been will go overslept backpacks 10 moving 6 7 8 9 课后巩固 15 giving me 习题链接 课后巩固 答案呈现 11 12 13 14 15 rang answering got filled unlucky 16 17 18 19 20 will be late for Put on at least rushed out wake up 习题链接 课后巩固 答案呈现 Have you ever been late for school? What happened to you? the early bus had left. How did you get to school? 25 Had your teacher started his class 21 22 23 24 先练后背 一、根据汉语提示写单词, 并背记相应英语词汇 1. Sometimes, a person's whole life is easily changed by something ____________ (出乎意料的). 2. ________(在……以前) the time he was five, he had learned more than 100 poems. unexpected   By   先练后背 3. I looked for my English book in my _________(背包), but it wasn't there. 4. Some people like to set the alarm clock before going to bed so that they won't ________(睡过头) in the morning. 5. It was very kind of her to give us a ________(捎…… 一程) to the airport. backpack    oversleep lift 先练后背 二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子 6. 我睡过头了。当我起床时, 我的哥哥已经在洗 淋浴了。 I ________.________ ________ ________ I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower. overslept By the time 先练后背 7. 当我到家时, 我意识到我把钥匙遗忘在背包里了 。 When I got home, I realized I ________ ________ my keys ________ my _____________. had left in backpack 先练后背 8. 我的闹钟没有响!我一直在睡觉, 当我醒来时已 经8点了! My alarm clock didn't ________ ________! I kept ________, and when I ________ up it was already 8: 00 a. m.! go off sleeping woke 先练后背 9. 因此, 我只好迅速穿上一些衣服, 冲出门外。 So I just quickly ________ ________ some clothes and ________ ________ of the door. put on rushed out 先练后背 10. 幸运的是, 卡尔的爸爸在街上看见了我并开车捎了 我一程。 Luckily, Carl's dad saw me on the street and ________ ________ ________ ________ in his car.gave me a lift 题组专训 1. On Mother's Day, every restaurant is filled with families.(改为同义句) On Mother's Day, every restaurant ________ ________ ________ families. is full of 题组专训 2. Be careful! She ____________ the cup with hot tea.(fill) is filling 【点拨】fill作动词,意为“(使)充满; (使)装满”。 题组专训 3. —Let's have more moon cakes while enjoying the ________ moon. —Thanks, but I'm ________. A. full; filled B. filled; full C. full; full D. fill; fill C 【点拨】full作形容词,意为“满的; 完整的; 饱 的”。the full moon意为“满月; 圆月”; I'm full 意为“我饱了”。 题组专训 4. The ____________ (出乎意料的) rain dropped down over and over again in the city of Urumqi from June 7th to June 17th. unexpected 题组专训 5. The young always ________ an important part in such activities. A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play B 【点拨】句意为“青年人在这种活动中总是发挥重要 作用”。由句意可知,用一般现在时; 主语为“the +形容词”,表示一类人,因此谓语动词用play。 题组专训 6. He keeps on helping ________ in that ________ mountain area. A. poor; the poor B. poor; poor C. the poor; poor D. the poor; the poor C 【点拨】the +adj.可以表示一类人,the poor是“穷 人”的意思; poor是形容词“贫穷的; 可怜的”。 题组专训 7. 每天不要忘记给你的父母一个微笑。 【2019•本溪】 ___________________________________________ _______________________________________ Don't forget to give your parents a smile/a smile to your parents every day. 题组专训 8. —Oh, my God! I ________ my notebook in my bedroom. —It doesn't matter. I'll lend you mine. A. forget B. forgot C. leave D. left D 【点拨】leave sth. somewhere (leave+宾语+地点状 语)是固定搭配,意为“把某物遗忘在某处”。遗忘 是发生了的事,用过去式。 题组专训 9. —Oh, dear! I can't find my key to the office. —Don't worry. I think you might ________ it in your car. 【2018•莱芜】 A. offer B. forget C. borrow D. leave D 【点拨】用词义辨析法。句意为“——哎呀,天哪!我 找不到我的办公室的钥匙了。——不要担心。我想你 可能把它忘在你的汽车里了”。offer“提供”; forget“忘 记”,表示想不起来某事物或忘记做某事; borrow“借”; leave“离开; 丢下; 遗忘”。根据“can't find my key”可知, 这里表示把钥匙遗忘在某地。故选D。 题组专训 10. The boss was late for the meeting because his alarm clock didn't ________. 【2018•株洲】 A. go off   B. go out   C. go on A 【点拨】用固定短语法。句意为“因为闹钟没________, 老板开会迟到了”。go off(闹铃)发出响声; go out外出, 熄灭; go on继续。根据语境可推知,闹钟没响,所以老 板开会迟到了。故选A。 题组专训 11. —Excuse me, can I ask you some questions? — ________ A. Sure, go ahead. B. Congratulations! C. That's right. D. Thanks. A 题组专训 12. You'd better ________ the test paper before handing it in. A. go ahead B. go on C. go off D. go over D 【点拨】用固定短语法。go over是固定短语, 意为“检查”。 题组专训 13. (原创)—The ________ (电梯) is broken. I'll be late for work! —Don't worry. I can give you a ________(搭载). After all, a finger can't ________(举起) a small stone. We should help each other. lift lift lift【点拨】第一个空lift意为“电梯”; 第二个空 和前面的词构成短语give sb.a lift,意为 “捎……一程”; 第三个lift意为“举起”。A finger can't lift a small stone.是英语谚语“一 个手指不能举起一块小石头(势单力薄)”。 题组专训 14. He ________ his hand into the air to get my attention and soon I noticed him.(lift) lifted 【点拨】用关键词法。关键词noticed提示此处 用lift的过去式。 题组专训 15. 谢谢你用小汽车搭载我一程。 【中考•黄冈】 Thank you for ____________ in your car.(give)giving me 课后巩固 一、单项选择 1. —Don't you have an alarm clock? —Yes, I have one. But it didn't ________ this morning. A. go up B. go out C. go away D. go off D 【点拨】go up上涨; go out出去; go away离开; go off(铃)响。句意为“ ——你没有闹钟吗? ——有, 我有一个闹钟。不过今天早上它没有响”。 课后巩固 2. The best gift in the world may be inexpensive, but must ________ love. A. be full of B. be fill with C. be filled of D. be full with A 【点拨】用固定短语法。be full of 和be filled with 是固定短语,意为“充满; 满是……”,正确的只 有A选项。 课后巩固 3. Tom was ________ guest at the party because he wasn't invited. A. an expected B. an unexpected C. an expecting D. unexpected B 【点拨】用关键词法。关键词wasn't invited提示 Tom 是“一个意料之外的”客人。  课后巩固 4. Grandpa's memory is getting poorer. As a result, he often ________ his keys at home. A. leaves B. forgets C. takes D. loses A 课后巩固 5. (原创)They gave me a ________ in their car and I wasn't late for that important meeting. How lucky! A. hand B. ride C. lift D. Both B and C. D 【点拨】give sb.a lift和give sb.a ride是同义短语, 意为“捎……一程”。 课后巩固 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 6. By the time he arrived at the cinema, the film ________ (be) on for half an hour. 7. He has set his alarm clock and it ________ (go) off at five tomorrow morning. will go had been 课后巩固 8. He didn't hear the alarm go off and ____________ (oversleep). 9. Spring is coming. People like to go out for a short trip, with food and drinks in their ___________ (backpack). 10. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep ________ (move). overslept backpacks moving 课后巩固 11. She couldn't wait to tell her deskmate the big news as soon as the bell ________ (ring) for the end of class. 12. When I walked into the classroom, all my classmates had started _____________ (answer) on the test paper. 13. When she ________ (get) up, it was already 8: 00. rang answering got 课后巩固 14. Her back garden was ________ (fill) with beautiful flowers. 15. She lost her purse and mobile phone on the street yesterday. What an ________ (luck) day! filled unlucky 课后巩固 三、选词并用其适当形式填空 16. Let's take a taxi instead of waiting for the bus here, or we ______________ the match. put on, wake up, be late for, at least, rush out will be late for 课后巩固 17. ________ your glasses and you may discover the difference between these two pictures. Put on put on, wake up, be late for, at least, rush out 课后巩固 18. You must do more exercise, ________ twice a week. at least put on, wake up, be late for, at least, rush out 课后巩固 19. The children ____________ of the classroom as soon as class was over. rushed out put on, wake up, be late for, at least, rush out 课后巩固 20. It was late. She opened the door quietly because she didn't want to ___________ her grandma.wake up put on, wake up, be late for, at least, rush out 课后巩固 四、情景交际 根据下面的对话情景, 在每个空白处填上一个适当的句 子, 使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A: Hi, Dave. ________________________________21 B: No, I have never been late for school. But last Monday I was almost late. A: Really? ____________________________22 Have you ever been late for school? What happened to you? 课后巩固 B: Well, I overslept. By the time I got up, my mother had gone to work. A: Oh, you must hurry. B: So I had a quick breakfast. Then I rushed to the bus stop. But by the time I got there, ______________________23the early bus had left. 课后巩固 A: So you couldn't catch the early bus. _____________________________24 B: I had to take a taxi to get to school. And when I got to school, the final bell was ringing. A: ______________________________25 before you got to school? How did you get to school? Had your teacher started his class 课后巩固 B: No, he hadn't started his class yet because he wanted to wait for me. A: You're a lucky dog! B: Yes, but the teacher was a little angry. He asked me to arrive early from then on. 查看更多

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