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课 题 Unit 11 Sad Movies Make me Cry. (Section A-3a) 课 型 Reading Comprehension 学 习 目 标 1. Master the key words and phrases. 掌握 3a 的重点单词及短语. 2. Be able to read the story fluently. 能够熟练朗读这则寓言. 3. Can translate the story correctly. 能准确翻译寓言的汉语意思. 重 点 a lot of power,make me happy,be worried about,lose my power,take my position,a lot of wealth 等 难 点 熟练读译 3a 的第三段和第四段。 教具 Tape recorder,PPT 教法 七步教学法 教学 环节 教 学 过 程 个 案 课 题 导 入 自 学 指 导 题 1. 阅读 3a 的第三段和第四段,不会的单词和短语划出来并参考单 词表解决, 6 分钟后指名交流。 2. 再一次读完这则寓言后翻译,不会翻译的地方划出来,6 分钟后 展示。 3. 第三次读这则寓言,在 4 分钟内独自完成给出的问题。 教学 环节 教 学 过 程 个 案 Show pictures to the Ss and ask : (出示图片导入) T: How do you feel if you have a lot of power? Ss: T: Are you happy if you have a lot of wealth? Ss: …. 教 学 过 程 Step1. Lead in (导入) Show pictures to the Ss and ask : (出示图片导入) T: How do you feel if you have a lot of power? Ss: T: Are you happy if you have a lot of wealth? Ss: …. Step2.Key words and phrases (阅读寓言,解决单词和短语问题) 1. Read the story in 3a.Underline difficult words and phrases. 2. Ask students to read the new words and phrases. 3. Ask students to translate the new words and phrases. 4. Lead the students to read new words and phrases. Step 3. Read and translate the story. (朗读并且翻译寓言的第三段和第四段) 1. Ask students to read and translate the story in groups and underline difficult lauguage points. Step4. Learn and Practice (学习新课并练习) 1. Group work: Read and translate 3a into Chinese, underling difficult points. Ask students to present translation. 2. Explain difficult phrases and points. 1) .When they explained the king's situation to him. 2). Many people are trying to take my position. 3. Lead the students to read the story. 4. Lead the students to translate the story. 5. Ask some students to read the story in groups. 6. Ask some students to translate the story in groups. Step 5. Summary (小结) Step6. Exercises (当堂训练) 1. For the prime minister,having a lot of didn't make him .Because many people were trying to take his . . 2. The king's banker was not happy . Although he had a lot of ,he was always worried about his money. Step7. Go back to the learning aims. (回归目标) Step8. Exercises (当堂检测) 亮点激活 P 26 — P27 的课堂反馈方案 必做题:Ⅰ Ⅱ 选做题:Ⅲ 板 书 设 计 Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. (Section A-3a) 感 悟 与 反 思 小 结 1. 本课主要通过听说读写译的方法学习了 Unit 11 sectionA(3a)的寓言。 2. 通过学习,锻炼了学生听说读写译的能力。 Phrases: 1.a lot of power 2.make me happy 3.be worried about 4.lose my power 5.take my position 6.a lot of wealth Words: 1.prime 2.minister 3.prime minister 4.power 5. banker 纠错与其它栏: 查看更多

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