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语法填空精练(五篇) A 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A Daily Writing Habits Is Worth Your Effort One of the most important habits I’ve formed in my life is daily writing. Without question, writing every day has brought me many great things. A better career, fulfillment, self-improvement, and most 1.____________ (important), the ability to share my ideas with the reader. And I always advise others to take up daily writing 2.___________ the following reasons. Better self-discipline. The reason 3.___________ we don’t do anything useful with our precious time is that we lack self-discipline. When you write every day, you 4. ___________ (strength) your discipline. You can use that better self-discipline to achieve virtually anything in life. Improving your persuasion skills. 5.____________ (write) is nothing more than persuading the reader with words. But your tools are limited---you can only use words to tell a story. And when you write for yourself, you’re trying to convince yourself of your own thoughts. So 6.____________ more you write, the better you become at persuasion. Cultivating self-awareness. Nothing will help you to get to know 7. ___________ (you) more than translating your thoughts into words. When you force yourself to write every day, you automatically become more aware of your thoughts. And self-awareness is one of the most important 8.____________ (skill) that predict career success. Better decision making. Too often, we do something without fully understanding why we do it. Think about it. 9._____________ often do you answer “I don’t know” when someone asks you “Why did you do that?” That’s the sign of weak thinking. Everyone can write for a day --- or two, or three. Very few people can write consistently for years. But you need to write for a long time 10. __________ (see) the actual benefits. So don’t just get started. Keep going. 答案: 1.importantly 2. for 3. why 4. strengthen 5. Writing 6. the 7. yourself 8. skills 9. How 10. to see B 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 When I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge 1.__________ involved making a paper airplane of any shape. The only objective was 2.___________ (get) it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper airplane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it 3.____________ (fly) pretty far. One guy made the greatest, yet 4. ___________ (simple) paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line 5.___________ a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silently 6. ___________ (stare) at him. Moments later he took 7.__________ piece of paper, crumpled it up into a ball, and threw it down the hall way. He beat the class with 8. __________ (easy). Some of the students got mad 9.___________ said that he cheated. The physics teacher said, “I said10.____________ could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape.” 答案: 1.that/which 2. to get 3. flew 4. simplest 5. with 6. staring 7. the 8. ease 9. and 10. it C 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A little boy was spending his Saturday morning playing in his sandbox. He had with 1._________ his box of cars and trucks, and a shiny, red plastic shovel. In the process of creating roads and tunnels in the soft sand, he discovered a large rock in the middle of the sandbox. 2.____________ (determine), the little boy shoved, pushed, and pried, but every time he thought he 3.___________ (make) some progress, the rock tipped and then fell back into the sandbox. The little boy continued. But his only reward was to have the rock roll back, 4. ___________ (injure) his chubby fingers. Finally he burst 5.__________ tears of frustration! All this time the boy's father watched from his living room window as the drama unfolded. At the moment the tears fell, 6.__________ large shadow fell across the boy and the sandbox. It was the boy's father. Gently 7.__________ firmly he said, "Son, why didn't you use all the strength that you had 8. ___________ (avail)? ” Defeated, the boy sobbed back,"But I did, Daddy, I did! I used all the strength that I had!”“No,son,” corrected the father 9. ___________ (kind).“You didn't use all the strength you had.You didn't ask me." With that the father reached down, 10. __________ (pick) up the rock, and removed it from the sandbox. 答案: 1.him 2. Determined 3. had made 4. injuring 5. into 6. a 7. but 8. available 9. kindly 10. picked D 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A man was really worried about his son, 1. ________ was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk 2. ______ (train) his child. The Buddhist monk said to the boy's father, “You should leave your son to me. I will make him a man of 3. ________(brave) within three months. However, you can't come to see him during that period.” Three months later, the boy's father returned. The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the child and a 4. ________ (profession) boxer(拳击手). Each time the boxer hit the boy, he fell down, but at once the boy stood up. Several times later, the Buddhist monk asked,“ 5. ________ do you like your child?” “What 6. ________ shame!” the boy's father said. “I never thought he could be so 7. ________(easy) knocked down. I shouldn't have left him here at all.” “I'm sorry that's 8. ________ you see. Don't you see that each time he falls down, he stands up again instead of 9. ________(cry)? That's the kind of courage you wanted him to have.” If each time you are knocked down and you have the courage to stand up again, then you can be proud 10. ________ yourself. 答案: 1. who 2. to train 3. bravery 4. professional 5. How 6. a 7. easily 8. what 9. crying 10. of E 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 30-year-old Peak Lee set up in business as a barber in Madison. Tennessee, about a year ago. He 1.___________ (gradual) noted the kids were glued to tablets and cellphones when they came to the barber’s shop. It was hard to cut their hair when they were focused on those. That led 2._________ the birth of Scott’s “Barbershop Books Day” when kids could come and get a discounted haircut. What 3. ___________ (require)? They had to read a book while they got it. He created “Barbershop Books Day” to help not only the kids, but also the parents. Madison has many low-income families and many are focused on just keeping 4.___________ (they) lights on. For people in this community, $ 15 for 5.__________ haircut per kid is not easy to afford so in some way a 6. ___________ (reduce) in the price really counts. Scott began his initiative (倡议) by borrowing five library books and 7. ___________ (put) them near his chair. Book donations began pouring in when a local news station got wind of 8 .__________ he was doing. Scott decides on taking his initiative a step 9.__________ (far) by expanding his “Barbershop Books Day” to an “Ice Breaker Book Tour” where he intends to get kids excited to learn while also giving them positive role models through motivational speakers. Scott said “10.____________ I step outside my comfort zone and tell them school is cool, hopefully it will guide them in the right direction.” 答案:1. gradually 2. to 3. was required 4. their 5. a 6. reduction 7. putting 8. what 9. further 10. If 查看更多

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