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八年级英语上册第八单元检测题(附答案) 一.单项选择(15 题 15 分) ( )1.“What did you see on the desk then?”“There _____two bottle of orange A.was B.were C.has D.had ( )2."Are you free tomorrow?""Yes ,I'm taking tomorrow________? A.away B.up C.off D.for ( )3.He watched the children________ soccer yesterday afternoon. A.to play B.played C.play D.plays ( )4.I'm thirsty .Could you give me _______? A.something to drink B.something to eat C.anything to drink D. anything to eat ( )5.Many people like to have a picnic _________. A.out doors B.out the doors C.outdoors D.in outdoors ( )6.The students ______the classroom last Friday.A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.cleaned ( )7.You will find the posy office_______ the street. A.in the end B.at the end C.findlly D.at the end of ( )8.Mr Smith ______English last term. A.taught us B.taught our c.teaches D.teacches our ( )9. I didn't have fun ____yesterday. A.to skate B.skates C.skated D.skating ( )10._________did you do? A.what else B.What else things c.What other D.what others things ( )11.Listen!The music ______beautiful. A.looks B.watches C.sounds D.plays ( )12.In the morning he read and _________ copputer. A.plays B.plays with C.played with D.played( )13.I visited my parents______. A.on my two days off B.in my two days off c.on my two-day off D.in my two_day off ( )14.Usually we eat _______lunch. A.a hamburger for b.hamburger to C. a hamburger to D.hamburgers for ( )15.---_________do you wantto have/ ----Nothing more.That is all I want . A.What other B.What the others C.What else D.What else things 二.完形填空(10 题 15 分) A young man was in love with a beautiful girl.Soon she 1 his fiancee(未婚妻).The young man was very 2 but the girl was rich.The young man wanted to make a 3 on her birthday ,but he had no idea how to do it ,as he had very little money.The next morning ,he went to a shop.There were many fine things there--rings,gold watches,diamonds—But all these things were too 4 .There was one thing he could not take his eyes off .It was a beautiful vase .That was a suitable present for his fiancee.He had been 5 the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him .The young man looked 6 pale,sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him .The young man told him 7. The manager 8 for him and decided to help him .A brilliant (明智的)idea struck him .The manager pointed to the corner of the shop .To his great suprise ,the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces.The manager said ,”I shall order my servant to pack it and take it to your fiancee.When he enters the room,he will 9 it.”On the birthday of his fiancee,the young man was very 10.( )1.A.becomes B.became C.gets D.got ( )2.A.good B.smart C.kind D.poor ( )3.A.flower B.dress C.watch D.present ( )4.A expensive B.beautiful C.cheap D.useful ( )5.A.looking B.seeing C.looking at D.looking for ( )6.A.very B.quite C.so D.too ( )7.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything ( )8.A.felt happy B.felt sorry C.was unhappy D.was angry ( )9.A.give B. borrow C.put D.drop ( )10.A.exciting B.excited C.interesting D.interested 三.阅读理解.(20 分) A One day John took two of his friends into the mountains. They put up their tents and then rode off to see how the trees were growing. By afternoon when they were about to be kilometers from their camp ( 营 地 ), it started to snow .More and more snow fell.Soon John could hardly see his hand before his face.He could not find the road!John knew there were two roads.One road went to the camp ,the other went to John ’s house .But all was white now.Everything was the same .How could he take his friends back to the camp? John had an idea.The horses! Let the horses take them back! But what would happen if the horses took the road to his house? That would be a trip of thirty-five kilometers in freezing weather! It was getting late .They road on and on .At last the horses stopped. Where were they? None of them could tell .John looked around .What was that under the tree! It was one of their tents! 1. John and his friends went to the forest!___________ A .to see the trees B.to find their way back C.to build their camp D.to put up their tents 2.Why could they hardly find their way back? A.Because everything was covered by snow. B.Because there was not any road at all in the mountains. C.Because they couldn’t decide which of the two roads went to their tents. D.Because there was only one road to their camp. 3.Where did they want the horses stop? A. To the mountains. B. To the forest C.To the camp. D.To John’s house.. 4.Why did the horses stop ? A. Because they saw the trees. B.Because they knew that they had got to the camp. C. Because they were tired after long running. D. Because it was getting late. 5. The story happened___________. A. at night when nothing could be seen B .in a cold camp C .on a dark evening D on a cold winter day B In sping there once lived a king and he was very fond of (喜爱)jokes.“I will give a bag full of gold,”he said,“to the person who can tell me the best story .There ’s only one rule(规 则)------it must be a story which I can not believe .If I can believe it ,then I won’t give away the bag of gold. ” People came to the king from all parts of the country .They brought strange and wonderful stories. The king sat in his palace and listened to all stories .He enjoyed them very much ,but to each person he said,“I can believe that story .It could happen and it may be true, so I won’ t give you the bag of gold.” At last a poor old man came to the palace. He was carrying a huge stone jar .The old man went into the King’s room and said ,“Oh, king ,your good father was once a poor man and my father was rich .They were very good friends. My father gave your father a larger jar ,like this one, and it was full of gold. Your father promised to give back the gold when he became rich. But he didn’t give it back .Now I’m poor and you are rich .And I want the gold. ” The king said,“I don’t believe that story. The jar is very big .There isn’t enough gold in all my country to fill that jar.My father didn’t tell me anything about a large jar full of gold.” “All right ,”the old man said.“Never mind. If you don’t believe the story ,give me the bag of gold ,please. ”The king remember the rule and gave the man the bag of the gold. 1.What did the king want to do at the beginning of the story? A.He wanted to play a joke with others. B.He wanted to give his people some gold. C.He wanted to find a good story teller. D.He wanted to set upa new rule of the people. 2.The king would give a bag of gold to the person who told________. A.a strange (奇怪)story B.an unbelievable story C.the best story in the world D.a story which was true3.Why did the old man come to the palace? A.He tried to get his father's gold back . B.He wanted to get the bag of gold. C.He thought the king would like his story. D.His father had been the king's father's friend. 4.What reason(原因)did the king give for not believing the old man's story? A.The jar was big. B.There was't much gold in the country. C.The jar couldn't have been used for holding gold. D.His father didn't tell him about a jar of gold. 5.Which of the folling words best describe (描述)the old man? A.Cleve B.Poor C.Interesting D.Strange. 四.任务型阅读(5 题 10 分) Mrs Green wants to do a lot of shopping on Saturday afternoon.(A) ,so Mrs Green ((B)ask him to the shops with her to give money for everything and carryher bag.They go to a lot of shops and Mrs Green buys a lot of things.She often stops and says,"Look,Joe,isn't it beautiful?"He answer ,'All right,Dear.How much is it?""Then he takes his money.It is very late now.Mr Green (C)很累了,想找个地方喝一杯。Mrs Green looks up at the sky and says,'Look at that ((D) moon,Joe!" Mr Green looks up at the sky and says,"All right,Dear.How much is it?" 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。 1.写出能替换句中划线部分的词语。 Mrs Green wants to do a lot of shopping on Saturday afternoon._______________. 2.选择一个适当的句子填入(A)处。( ) A. There are lots of people in the shop on Saturday. B. She has time on Saturday. C. Every Saturday Mr Green is free. D. She likea going to the shop on Saturday. 3.把划线部分(B) 翻译成汉语。 ————————————————————————————— 4.把划线部分(C)翻译成英语。 —————————————————————————————5. 在(D)处填上一个适当的 五.词汇(25 分) (一)单词拼写(5 题 10 分) 根据句意和所给单词首字母或汉字提示填空。 1.Last sunday ,I took my little sister to the a______to see sharks ,seals and so on. 2.Our team played so well that we w_____ in the last week's football match.~ 3.We visited Mount Tai and bought some beauiful s__________ there. 4.Father bought me a g_______ for my birthday. 5.The girl likes to listen to Zhou Jielun's songs and she wants to get his a____. (二)综合填空(10 题 15 分) 根据短文意思,用方框中的所给词语的适当形式填空。(有两项是多余的) Interestbut famous cook about think of Young until discover make old popular Twenty years ago,the UK wasn't famous for good food.In fact ,people in most countries laughed at British cooking ! When people talk about rtaditional British food , they always 1_____________ fish and chips and a cup of tea . Ten wasn't always a British drink .The Chinese 2___________ tea nearly 5,000 years ago. But it didn't become popular in Europe 3_______ the 17th century. After that ,tea is the most popular drink in the world .Tea is very good for you and the Chinese say that it helps people to stay 4 __________ . Fish and chips shops became 5_____________ with poor people in the UK in the 19th century. Poor people worked very long hours and they didn't have much free time for 6 ____________ .fish and chips were cheap , 7_____________ they weren't very healthy . The shops fried fish and chops in lard (the fat from cows ) .Eating a lot of oil is bad for us , but lard is much worse! Today ,the Uk is 8_____________ for its foreign restaurants. You can find excellent restaurants from most countries of the world in London.And the British are very 9_______ in food .Some of the popular TV programe and books in the UK are 10 ____________cooking. 六写作(15 分) 假如你和你的同学在 9 月 9 号(星期天)到敬老院为慰问了老人,请你把活动的情况用英语 写一篇日记。日记的格式及开头已为你写好,不记入总词汇数。 日记的内容还应包括以下要点: 1.来回的时间及方式;2.活动内容:扫地,洗衣``````; 3.活动感受:很累但很愉快;要照顾,尊重老人。 注意:1.每行按右边规定的词数书写,总词数 60~80; 2.所给的要点提示必须都用上,并作适当的发挥; 3.日记中不得使用真实的人名, 4.参考词汇:respect vt.尊重. Sep,9,2010 Sunday Today my classmates and I went to the Old People's Home Unit 8 一.单项选择:1-5 BCCAC 6-10 DDADA 11-15 CDDDC 二.完形填空:1-5BDDAC  6-10 CDBDB 三.阅读理解:(A)1-5AACBB (B) ABBDA 四.任务型阅读:1.go shopping 2.C 3.要他和她一起逛街,付钱买东西并帮她提包。 4.is very tired,and wants to find a place to have a drink. 5.beautiful. 五.(单词拼写) 1.aquarium 2. 我 能 3.souvenirs 4.gift 5.autograph ( 综 合 题 ) : think of, discovered, until ,young ,popular ,cooking, but ,famous ,interested ,about 六.写作: Step 9,2010 Sunday Today my classmates and I went to the Old People's Home on foot at 3 o'clock in the afternoon.As soon as we got there, we gegan to clean the rooms and wash clothes for the old people.Some of us talked with them.After that we gave them some performances.The old people enjoyed themselves very much.We stayed there for two hours.At about 5 o'clock we walked home. I felt very happy (for what I had done) althought I was tired. i think everyone should look after and respect old people 查看更多

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