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Unit4 In the park教学设计

  • 2021-01-21
  • 3页
  • 5.24 B




Unit4 In the park教学设计【教学内容】unit4 let’s learn   let’s talk【教学对象】二年级学生【教学时长】40分钟【辅助教具】1.教材,音频,PPT课件。2.词卡。 一、教材分析[T2] 本课是一节二年级会话新授课,谈论的是询问自己是否能完成这些活动,义务教育英语课程《标准》要求二年级学生应达到一级目标中的部分要求,既对英语学习有持续的兴趣和爱好。能根据指令做事情,比如指图片、涂颜色、画图、做动作、做手工等。能表达简单的情感和感觉,如喜欢和不喜欢。能用英语做游戏并在游戏中用英语进行交际。这节课选自上海版牛津小学英语二年级下册2B的第四单元,属于本册书的第二个大主题:“My living place and area”中的第二个小课题。本节课主要将“Let’s learn”部分中的六个能力类动词和let’s talk中的句型I can....相结合,利用图片、动画和课件,帮助学生达到听得懂、会说的要求。本设计为第一课时,在学会正确的朗读单词后,能运用学过的句型提问或描述自己或他人会做的事情。 二、学情分析[T3] 本课时执教的对象是二年级的学生,他们从一年级开始学习上海牛津版英语,学生基本能运用学过的单词造句、说话,对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣,乐于表现自我,乐于参与英语学习活动。在一年级牛津英语1A教材中,学生已经接触了句型I can--____.并且已经掌握了一些动词,如:sing, dance, read, write,等,所以学生对于自己能力的表达已经非常熟悉了。在牛津英语教材2A中句型 I like to_____的出现又为学生在动词的运用上提供了更多的词汇量,例如:swim,play,eat,sleep等。 三、教学目标1.理解并运用重点句型I can….来介绍自己的能力。2.能用正确的语音,语调读单词walk, skip, swing, climb, fly, ride 四、测量与评价1. 针对目标2本次活动我将通过指名提问、看学生的表情、口型、开火车读单词的形式进行检测、评价。2.通过指名提问、词句整合、小组合作等,来检测目标1的达成情况。五、教学过程(教案)  Step Teacher’s activities Teacher’s activities Purpose    Warm-up    1. Greeetings.2. Daily talk .3. Sing a song.  1. Greeetings.2. Daily talk .3.Sing with the teacher.     1.Warm up.2.Motivate their interests of learning.     Presentation&lead-in  1.Talk about a picture.2.Introduce Sam. What can he do?3. Show the new words by actions and pictures.4.Ask Ss to say something about words.5. Ask the students to read the words and read in groups .6.Make sentences with words.7.Talk about the activities in pairs.  1.Watch and discuss.2.Listen,watch and say the words.3.Read after the teacher.4.Make sentences with the words.5.Talk about in pairs.  1.Help them understand new words.2.Improve their language abilities.       Practice  1.Games: Missing words and magic guess.2.Discuss.   1.Say out the words quickly.2.Practice the sentence patterns.  1.Improve the students’ listening .2.Improve their ability to express themselves.   Consolidationand extension  1.Have Ss listen to the words again and repeat it.2. Change the words and sing the song again.    Read together. Sing together.  1.Improve Students’ comprehensive ability.    Homework:   Listen the tape and imitate it. Read the dialogue and act out with your parents.  Finish the homework and act.  1.Help students review and consolidate the new knowledge.2.Improve students’ ability to use language. 查看更多

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