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Unit￿3￿Where￿did￿you￿go? A￿Let's￿learnwashed the clothes drank tea cleaned the room had a cold watched TV A: What did you do the day before yesterday/yesterday/last weekend/? B: I ... slept Pair work read a film magazineThis is my microblog[‘maɪkroʊ、blɒɡ] . You can see my daily life from it.Where did you go last Saturday?I went to a forest park. /went/ go-----went: What did you do there? I went fishing.went fishingwent camping go campingA:What did he/she do yesterday ? B:He/She _____. went fishing went swimming went hikingwent shopping: Did you do anything else? Yes,I rode a bike and then I rode a horse.rode a bike ride a bikerode a horse ride a horse: What happened then? Oh, I hurt my foot. hurt-----hurthurt my foot hurt my foothurt my head hurt my handhurt my armwent camping slept drank rode a horse saw went fishing Catch the plane 找飞机,看谁快 did rode a bike fixed hurt my footA:Where did you go last weekend? B: I stayed at home. A: What did you do there? B:I __________.watched TVA:Where did you go on your holiday? B: I went to Xinjiang. A: What did you do there? B:I __________.rode a horseA:Where did you go on your holiday? B: I went to Hangzhou. A: What did you do there? B:I __________.rode a bikePair-work • A: Where did you go last Saturday? • B: I went to ______. • A: What did you do there? • B: I ______.写出下列单词的正确形式。 thin(比较级) good(最高级) happy(比较级) hot(比较级) low(比较级) smarter(原型) have(过去式) study(过去式) read(过去式) last(反义词) sleep(过去式) make(过去式)read a book talked stayed watched slept was drank 查看更多

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