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Unit 1 My school A Let’s learnRules: I will divide you into 6 groups. If you do a good job at class, you will get a picture from the box .At last, you can design a new school with the pictures. The winner in this class will get a seal on your book. 我们共分6各小组。如果课上你表现好,你可以 从盒子里拿一张图片。最后我们用这些图片设 计一所新的学校。最后胜利的小组成员的课本 上将会得到一个印章。Let’s enjoy a song What function rooms can you hear from the song ? 歌中你听到了那些功能室?library What’s in the library? There are many books in the library. What can you do in the library? Read a book. Reading makes a full man. 阅读使人充实。 Read more books as possible as you can. 尽可能的多读书。Go to the library. Read a book.Where is the library ? What’s this ? It’s on the first floor. It’s our library.first floor ir bird girl third first first floorLibrary,library. Where is the library? First floor,first floor.It’s on the first floor. What’s on the first floor?teachers’ office办公室的图片 Go to the teachers’ office. Say hello. When you go to the teachers’ office or meet your teachers on the road, say hello to them. 当你去老师办公室或在 路上遇到老师时,要主 动打招呼!Which one is right(正确的) ? A. teachers’ office B. teacher’s officeWhich one is right(正确的) ? A. teachers’ office B. teacher’s office Usually, there are many teachers in the office. So we use teachers’ office, but not teacher’s office. 办公室通常有多名老师,所以我 们用teachers’ office,而不是 teacher’s officeWhere is my teachers’ office? It’s on the first floor.办公室的图片 Where is Miss Wu’s teachers’ office? A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor.办公室的图片 Where is Miss Wu’s teachers’ office? A. It’s on the first floor. B. It’s on the second floor.second floorTeachers’ office, teachers’ office. Where is the teachers’ office? Second floor,second floor. It’s on the second floor.Let’s learnLet’s read A: Where is …? B: It’s on the … floor. Ask and answer(2人一组进行问答练习)Let’s do Let’s play:Hide and seek Where is the dog? Is it on the … floor? Is it in the …? Let’s play hide and seek. There is a cute dog. First ,the group leader hides it, the others seek. If you have got it, you can go on. 让我们以小组为单位玩藏藏找找的游戏吧。有 一只可爱的小狗,组长先藏,其他同学找。如果你 找到了,接下来就由你来藏。Step 1、Use the pictures ,design a new school. 用得到的图片设计一所新学校。 Let’ design a new school How many pictures have you got? Step 2、Try to describe it in groups. 在小组内介绍一下你们的新学校。 This is our school. This is … It’s on the … floor.This is our school. This is … It’s on the … floor. Show time Which group is the winner? What have you learned from this class? 这节课你学到了什么? librar y teachers’ office first floor second floor Where is …? It’s on the … floor. Homework 1. Read the words for your parents.1. Read the words for your parents. 把所学单词读熟,并说给家长听。 2. Try to find out more function rooms 2. Try to find out more function rooms of school.of school. 查阅资料找出更多学校功能室的单词或词组。查阅资料找出更多学校功能室的单词或词组。 Thank you! 查看更多

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