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Unit 6 Work quietly!  B. Let’s talk>>Warm-up What is she doing?  Review  She is ….>>Lead-in  Do you know the place?  Can we sing and dance there? >>Lead-in Let’s try  Listen and circle.>>Presentation • Listen and say 观看对话,说出其中出现的关于图书馆规定的句子。 (单击图片可播放动画) 你还知道哪些图书馆的规定?>>Presentation • Listen and say 1. What can John do? He can show Tom the English books. 2. Can Tom read the English books here? Yes, he can. 3. What will Tom do? He will keep his desk clean.• Let’s learn. >>Presentation Talk quietly.• Let’s learn. >>Presentation Keep your desk clean. >>Presentation  Listen and read 录音 课文句子 My name is Tom. What’s your name? Shh. Talk quietly. I’m John. I can show you the English books. Thanks. Here they are. Ok. Can I read the books here? Yes. Of course. Anything else? Yes. Keep your desk clean. Ok, I will. Thanks. (注意模仿语音、语调哦)>>Practice  1、分角色朗读出对话。  2、两人一组,试着表演出来。 根据自己的 情况,选择 来做吧!  Role play>>Practice Match, say and act. Work quietly! Talk quietly! Keep your desk clean!>>Consolidation Try to make it! S1: My name is ________. What’s your name? S2: Shh. ______________. I’m ________. I can show you the ________ books. S1: Thanks. S2: Here you are. S1: OK. Can I read the books here? S2: Yes. Of course. S1: Anything else? S2: Yes. _______________. S1: OK. I will. Thanks.>>Consolidation The teacher acts as Tom. One student acts as John. Make a new dialogue. Look! This is our computer room… ...>>Consolidation Make a new dialogue with your partner. Then Act it out. Hi! …. ...>>Consolidation• Let’s sing. (单击图片可播放动画)>>Summary 公共场合的行为规范: Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.>>Homework 预习B Let’s learn中的单词。 close 查看更多

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