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Unit 6 Work Quietly! B Read and Write Let’s reviewKeep to the right. Work quietly. Talk quietly. Keep your desk clean.Keep to the right. Take turns. Work quietly. Talk quietly Keep your desk clean. No eating. China Chinese UK / England English USA / Amrica American I say English. You say Chinese.Where are you from? I’m from China. 来自 I speak ___________. Chinese(中文)说某种语言 speak +语言 说英语___________speak English 说汉语___________speak Chinese 说日语 speak Japanese寿司是日本传统美食之一,其主要 材料是用寿司醋调味过的维持在人 体体温的饭块,再加上鱼肉,海鲜, 蔬菜或鸡蛋等作配料,其味道鲜美, 很受民众的喜爱。萝卜寿司 _______ susi 牛肉寿司 ______susi 蔬菜寿司 __________susi carrot beef vegetableAre you cooking? No, I’m making susi. I can’t make susi. Can you teach(教) me? teach教 teacher 教师Sure/ Of course.当然啦Task1: Write the present tense. 1 say 2 speak 3 do 4 draw 5 cook 6 make 7 eat 8 read 9 listen 10 play saying speaking doing cooking eating listening drawing reading playing making 说话 讲语言机器人展览 Robot ______Show Robot Exhibition Let’s have a look. 让我们去看一看。He is playing football. What is he doing?They are playing music. What are they doing?He is cooking. What is he doing?He is swimming. What is he doing? Who are they? They are Sarah and Robin. Robin is a robot. They are very happy today. Why? They are seeing the world robot exhibition today. 1. Read the text for the first time and then answer the question: How many kinds of robots do they see? They see five kinds of robots. 2. Read the text for the second time and then answer the question: Where are these robots from?Where are they from? Spain China the USA Japan CanadaWhere are they doing? playing music doing kung fu talking with Robin making sushi drawing picturesFill in the blanks.  The Canadian robot is _______ a picture.  Asako is _______ sushi.  The Spanish robot is ________ music.  Robin is _______ kung fu.  Sarah and Robin are _____________ to the USA robot. drawing making playing doing showing kung fuLet's wrap it up Look and write. • 1.It's 7:00 a.m. We ___ _____ ________ at 7 o'clock. • 2.I sometimes clean my bike on the weekend. I___ _______ it now. • 3.It's 9 p.m. They ___ _______ now,but they often go to bed at 10 p.m. are having breakfast am cleaning are sleeping 7:00 9:00单元小结 • 重点词汇: • doing morning exercises • having...class • eating lunch • reading a book • listening to music • keep turn • talk quietly keep to the right • take turns • keep your desk clean (正在)做早操 (正在)上课 (正在)吃午饭 (正在)看书 (正在)听音乐 保持某种状态 顺序 小声讲话 靠右 按顺序来 保持你的课桌整洁 重点句子: •1.询问多个人或物正在做某事的句型及答语 • —What are they doing? 它们在干什么? • —They're eating lunch! 它们在吃午饭! •2.询问单个人或物正在做某事的句型及答语 • —What's the little monkey doing? • 那只小猴子在干什么? • —It's playing with its mother! • 它在和妈妈玩耍! •3.公共场所标示语 • Talk quietly. 小声讲话。小练习 • 一、开心三选一。 • ( )1.-____ are they doing? • -They're having English class. • A.What B.Who • ( )2.She ____ doing kung fu. • A.am B.is • ( )3.Talk ____! • A.quiet B.quietly A B B二、小小翻译官。 • 1.Take turns. • 2.Keep to the right. • 3.Keep your desk clean. 按顺序来。 靠右。 保持你的桌面整洁。Homework. 1、Read P63 . 2、think out another exhibition and share with us next period.Thank you! 查看更多

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