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Day 3 Life on the farmLet's wrap up go + 动名词 表示去做什么 go fishing go cycling do做 do homework do kung fu play玩 play basketball play the pipa play+球类运动 play +the+ 乐器 have吃,有,上…课 have dinner have English class一、请完成词语搭配 1.swimming 2. homework 3.dinner 4.basketball 5. football 6.the dishes 7. boating 8.art class 9. some bread 10. the piano go ___________________________________ do ___________________________________ play___________________________________ have __________________________________ Practice swimming boating homework basketball football the piano dinner art class some bread the dishesgo swimming go boating do homework do the dishes play ping pong play basketball have some vegetables have art class动词变第三人称单数规则 Let's wrap up 动词变第三人称单数规则 一般情况 动词末尾+s play-plays want-wants like-likes 以sh,ch,x,o 结尾的 在末尾+ es do-does go- goes 辅音字母+y 结尾 变y 为i 再+es study-studies 不规则变化 have-has 请将下列动词变成第三人称单数 1. do— 2.play— 3. wash— 4. watch— 5. study— 6. make— 7. take— 8. go— 9. send— 10. like— Practice does plays washes watches studies makes takes goes sends likes句子为一般现在时,如果主语是第三人称单词, 动词需变第三人称单数,即加s ,es或 ies 例: She often plays ping-pong. My brother usually gets up at 6:00. The dog often eats meat. Let's wrap up she,he,人名等 1. The dog ________playing with me. A. likes B. like C. liked  2. She often _______swimming with her father. A. go B. gos C. goes  3. I often _________my room on the weekend. A. cleans B. clean C. cleaned  4. The rabbits often _________with each other. A. play B. plays C. played Practice 互相Let's wrap up 动词变动名词 ing规则 一般情况 直接+ ing do--doing wash--washing play--playing 辅音+元音+辅 音结构 (辅元辅) 双写末尾字 母再+ing swim—swimming shop—shopping get—getting run--running 以字母e 结尾 去e 再+ing Make—making take —taking Like--liking请将下列动词变成动名词 1. put— 2.play— 3. wash— 4. watch— 5. study— 6. make— 7. take— 8. go— 9. swim— 10. like— putting playing washing watching studying making taking going swimming liking Be +动名词 构成现在进行时态,表示正在做某事。 be (am,is,are)动词需根据主语的变化而变化。 例子:1.They are playing football now. 2. I am doing homework now. 3. He is playing ping-pong. 4.Look,the ducks are swimming. Let's wrap up 主语+be+动词ing+其他一、选词填空  1.Look,she is ________ the pictures. A. draws B. draw C. drawing  2.My father is ________ an E-mail now. A. writeing B. writing C. write  3.Look,the dogs ________ fighting(打架). A. am B. is C. are  4.I see the boy is ________. A. runing B. running C. runWhat are they doing? play the pipa draw pictures have a picnic go on a picnic Mrs Booth is playing the pipa. Mike is drawing pictures. They are having a picnic. 查看更多

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