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Let’s say go- went went to school went … play-played hurt- hurt hurt my foot hurt … played football played … ride- rode rode a horse rode … do- did did the dishes did …Summer holiday (暑假) Happy Holidays Winter holiday ( 寒假) The Labor Day (劳动节) Qingming Festival ( 清明节) Dragon Boat Festival (端午节) Mid-autumn Festival (中秋节) New Year (新年) Shanghai the West lake (西湖) Yiwu Market Tian an men the Yellow mountain… --Where did you go last __________? --I went to _________.… … — What did you do on your holiday? — I _______. I was ___. (happy, excited…) went hiking ate sweets went to the zoo went to the park went boating watched TVlast summer holiday I went to Xin Jiang. Hello, I’m Ann’s friend. My name is Sandy. I went to Mt. Tianshan(天山) saw windmills (看风车) saw lots of grapes rode a camel(骆驼) went Mt.Huoyan(火焰山)Let’s tryListen and choose: 1.It’s time for _______. A.the first class B. the second class 2. Where is John? _________. A.At home B. In the hospital 3. What happened? ________ A. John hurt his arm. B. John hurt his foot. A B B What happened? 怎么了? What’s wrong?Listen, read and answer the questions: Q1: What happened to John? He fell off my bike last Saturday and hurt my hurt. fall--fellQ2: Where did John go on the Labour Day holiday? He went to Mt. Tianshan, Xinjiang. Q: What did John do in Xinjiang? He rode a horse and saw lots of grapes. a horse a small horse It looks like a mule.horse donkey mule同桌间互说假期经历并填表,在介绍 时同学们可别忘记用上自己得意的假 期照片哦! A: How was your holiday? B: It was______ (cool/nice/happy..). A: Where did you go? B: I went to __________. A: What did you do? B: I ____________and _________. Name Where What 查看更多

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