


人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 unit5--语法基础巩固+能力提升专项训练 板块一 基础巩固 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He is the man _____ has offered some useful advice. 2.It is the most interesting book____ he has ever read. 3.He is the boy of _____we are proud in our school. 4.The building _____ doors are white is an office building. 5.Anyone ____ has helped to save the old man is worth praising. 6.She is the only one of the children who___(be) good at music here. 7.The first place_____ she visited in China was the History Museum. 8.The reason _____ she changed her mind is quite clear. 9.Strengthening our emotional_____(endure) is vital for a happy life. 10.As a ______(qualify) new employee,he was highly thought of in the company. 11.I’m afraid that I can’t finish the work ______(assign) to me within three days. 12.The little boy burst into tears when he found his favorite toy_____(crush). 13.The old man was so kind that he adopted the child ______(abandon) by his parents. 14.To be honest,I’m not sure whether the results have any practical ______(apply). 15._______(fortunate),the two boys were saved by the local villagers. 16.Our monitor is_____(sympathy) and he often helps the poor classmates. 17.After the accident,she left the city with a ______(sorrow) heart. 18.Having read the text many times,he found it really hard______(recite). 19.The leader will pay a visit to a team_____(make) up of over 200 people. 20.They turned to one another with the same expression of______ (comprehend) and relief. 答案: 1. who/that2. that3whom 4. whose5. who6. is 7. that 8why9 endurance10.qualified 11.assigned 12. crushed13 .abandoned14.application 15Fortunately16 sympathetic17.sorrowful 18. to recite19. made20.comprehension II. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 While thousands of college students headed for warm climates 1. (enjoy) sun and fun during their week off from classes,seven local students had other plans. The Northern Essex Community College(NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City ,helping repair an area 2. (destroy) by the hurricane. “I wanted to see for myself what happened,” said Terry.“I couldn’t imagine 3. it is like to lose your home and everything that you had and the 4. (power) effect the hurricane had on those people.I wanted to do something,to understand their feeling of helplessness.” The group headed into Brooklyn’s Red Hook district,which 5. (hit) hard by the hurricane.There they met people from other parts of the country,who had also volunteered to help.Together , those volunteers and the NECC students worked to clear rubbish out of a threestorey building.They put on protective suits and gloves before 6. (enter) the building. Inside the building,the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 7. (lie) all over the place. The students returned to school with 8. sense of achievement,a feeling that they helped people in need.9. was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover,and this left the deepest 10. (impress) on the students. 1 to enjoy 2 destroyed 3.what 4.powerful 5.was hit/had been hit 6 entering 7 lying 8 a 9 It 10 impression III. 将下面句子翻译成英语。 1.他是这个镇上第一个对种族偏见提出质疑的人。 2.那位编辑告诉我,我的新小说确实很难润色。 3.这个队提前完成了任务而另一个队错过了最后期限。 4.他心情不好的原因是他考试不及格。 5.无论这个女孩什么时候进行演讲,她总会提到那些无辜的孩子们。 答案: 1.He was the first person to question racial prejudice in this town. 2.The editor told me that my new novel was really hard to polish. 3.This team finished the work ahead of time while the other one missed the deadline. 4.The reason why he was in a bad mood was that he had failed the exam. 5.Whenever the girl gives a speech,she always mentions those innocent children. 词汇归纳 《诗经》 The Book of Songs 《史记》 Historical Records / Records of the Grand Historian 《红楼梦》A Dream of Red Mansions 《西游记》The Journey to the West 孔子 Confucius 孟子 Mencius 儒家文化:Confucian Culture 京剧 Beijing Opera / Peking Opera 黄梅戏 Huangmei Opera 太极拳 TaiChi 文房四宝 (笔墨纸砚) the Four Treasure of the 2 Study / Brush, Inkstick, Paper, and Inkstone 宣纸 rice paper 相声 crosstalk / comic dialogue 木偶戏 puppet show 剪 纸 scissorcut 中国画 Chinese painting 京剧脸谱 facial makeup in Beijing Opera 对联 couplet 中国结 Chinese knot 中国刺绣 Chinese embroidery 京剧脸谱 facial makeup in Beijing Opera 古诗词 ancient poetry 押韵 rhyme/ rhyming 五、茶文化:tea culture 茶庄 tea house 国饮 the national drink of China 全球饮料 a global drink 随着饮茶的流行 With the popularity of tea drinking 绿茶 green tea 红茶 black tea 花茶 scented tea 预防癌症、心脏病 prevent cancer,heart disease 六、最新社会生活 一带一路 One Belt And One Road 文化自信 cultural confidence 家风 family tradition 家训 family motto 孝顺 be obedient to, treat/serve well 和谐 in harmony with 弘扬社会主义核心价值观 promote socialist core values 法治 rule of law 书香校园 scholarly campus 新四大发明 China’s “four new great invention” 网购、高铁、共享单车和移动支付:online shopping, highspeed rail, bike sharing and electronic payment systems 电子支付系统 Epayment systems 生态旅游:Ecofriendly touring 七、其他 1、悠久的传统文化历史 with a long history of traditional culture 2、独特的传统文化特色 the special traditional cultural character. 3、古代文明 the ancient civilization 4、中华祖先 the ancestors of Chinese 5、创造辉煌历史 to create splendid history 6、老字号 timehonored brand 7、弘扬传统文化 to promote traditional culture 板块二 能力提升 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (安徽省十校联盟 2020 届高三线上自主联合检测) New South Wales, Australia, is setting up cameras as part of an effort to reduce the number of people preoccupied with wireless devices while they drive. It will be the first area in the world to use the technology to punish drivers distracted (分心) with telephone calls, social media or text messages. Road Safety experts are concerned about the growing number of accidents involving drivers using smart phones on the state’s roads. They say drivers who use phones while driving greatly increase their chances of being involved in an accident. The New South Wales government plans to place 45 Mobile Phone Detection Cameras across the state by December. Each phone detection unit contains two cameras. One camera takes pictures of a vehicle’s registration plate (牌照). A second camera looks through the front windrow of a car or truck to see what drivers are doing with their hands. The units use artificial intelligence to set aside drivers who are not touching their phones. Human beings then confirm if the pictures show illegal behavior before notice is sent to the vehicle’s registered owner. A violation (违反) carries fine of $232. Some cameras will be permanently set up on roadsides. Others will be moved, from time to time, around the state. Two fixed cameras took photographs of 8.5 million vehicles as part of a sixmonth test earlier this year. The cameras took photos of more than 100,000 drivers with their hands on phones. One driver was using a phone and another electronic device, an Apple iPad, at the same time. Another driver had a passenger guide the vehicle while they both held phones, the state government said. 1. What is the real purpose to set up cameras in New South Wale? A. To keep records of the accidents. B. To promote the latest technology. C. To find illegal behavior of the drivers. D. To force drivers to focus more on driving. 2. What can we infer from the road safety experts? A. Smartphones are main killers on the road. B. All accidents result from drivers’ using cellphones. C. Measures are badly needed to ban using phones while driving. D. Carrying a smartphone while driving will cause an accident. 3. How does the phone detection unit function effectively? A. It corrects the drivers’ wrong behavior. B. It has two cameras to record the plates. C. It sends a notice to the legal diver autonomously. D. It combines artificial intelligence with human’s efforts. 4. What did a sixmonth test show? A. Electronic devices could help divers indeed. B. Mary passenger helped operate the vehicles. C. Many drivers used electronic devices while driving. D. It was common to be busy with two wireless devices. 【答案】1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C (广东 2020 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试) Saving the giant panda from extinction isn't just good for the bearsit's good for the bottom line too,a new analysis by an international team of scientist shows. The results,published in the journal Current Biology,highlight the economic benefits that they say go hand in hand with environmental conservation. In order to protect giant pandas,the government must protect their forests,which provide a host of oftenunder appreciated services to the communities that live in and around them. For example,forests allow for the growing of crops and the grazing(放牧)of animals,store clean fresh water and supply firewood,lumber(木材)and many useful plants.They manage storm runoff and help prevent erosion(侵蚀)。 The pandas themselves also hold enormous cultural value that has risen rapidly in recent decades among Chinese residents,the study also points out. "From 1980 to 2010,the cultural values of pandas and their reserves almost doubled,largely driven by tourism use,rising 500fold from 1980 to 2010, "they said. Taking all of these factors into account,the scientists calculated a total economic value of Approximately $2. 6 billion in 2010 in China. Keep in mind,the costs of preserving panda habitat at current levels come to about$255 million. The study authors said that including the global cultural Value of the animals would increase the total economic value to $6. 9 billion per yearor about 27 times the cost of habitat preservation. The researchers also noted that the investment in panda habitat has improved the living conditions of local residents. They pointed to data from the Chinese Statistical Yearbook showing that the annual income in Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces,which sit next to panda reserves,rose by an average of 56%from 2000 to 2010. Farmers in counties within these provinces that were next to the panda reserves saw their annual incomes rise by 64%,on average. The findings provide a promising example of how conservation efforts can pay off,and they could be applied to many other threatened and endangered species,the study authors said. 5. What does the underlined words "bottom line"refer lo in the first paragraph? A. Moral standard. B. Economic profits. C. Overall development. D. Environmental conservation. 6. Which is one of the results of preserving pandas? A. Less farmland. B. More foreign trade. C. More forest fires. D. Better farming conditions, 7. In China,about how many times do economic values outweigh preserving cost? A. 26. B. 10. C. 4. D. 3. 8. What's the main idea of the passage? A. Protecting pandas takes great efforts. B. Pandas are a major tourism attraction in China. C. Conservation of pandas is economically rewarding. D. Pandas make great contributions to the environment. 【答案】5. B 6. D 74. A 8. C Ⅱ.七选五练习 (2020 年兰州市高三诊断考试) Learning to Give a Pep Talk (打气) Everyone wants to be the type of person who gives the critical talk that turns around a friend's outlook. However, giving a good pep talk isn't easy. ___9___ . You need to not only listen and understand, but also stress the other person's strengths. You also need to know when to stop talking. "A lot of people think they are giving a pep talk, but they are just saying what they would want to hear," says Stacy Kaiser, a psychotherapist (心理治疗师)in Los Angeles. Instead of instantly telling someone what to do, ask him what actions he has thought about taking and why he thinks they will be beneficial. “Don't jump right in and insist 'You'll be fine,'" says Kaiser. ___10___, Repeat the person's concerns out loud, so he feels heard. Then, show your friend that you believe in him and that he has what it takes to get through this hard time. Stress his strengths. ___11___ . You can't! guarantee success, but you can remind the person that he has been through a tough time before and has gotten through it At last, Kaiser says you must know when to stop. “___12___ . Don't argue if the person disagrees with what you are saying. Instead, tell him 'I am sorry you are having such a hard time,' And then back down." Kaiser says he has learned to give good pep talks by giving bad ones. He lost a number of loved ones during a short period. “Timing is everything." There is a time to give a pep talk, and there is a time to just listen. ___13___ . A. Let your friend have his moment B. Give your pep talk and then shut up C. Arguing with your friend makes no sense D. Show your friend that you understand why he is sad E. He isn't interested in what his best friends really need F. It requires an understanding of what your audience needs G. It is also important to remember that pep talks are about hope 【答案】9. F 10. D 11. G 12. B 13. A 查看更多

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