

天天资源网 / 初中英语 / 教学同步 / 新版七年级英语下册期中测试卷





新版七年级英语下册期中测试卷 七年级英语下册期中测试卷 姓名: 得分: I •英汉互译。 lay piano ・ C. / ; t theguitar_______________ thebus_____________ hall___________ 5•吓人的 dinner 6.锻炼 7.听 CD_______ 8.别打架 II •选择题.(20 分) canplay chesswell butshecan ;/ he n theafte rnoon ( )7 . he a showereveryd ay? :takes ;take ;ta k e ( )8. --H owdoseLindag ettoschool? 2. ——Shecandraw. isshedoing canshedo shecando likestojoint hechessclubv erymuchbecau sesheisgood playingches sandshecanbe good thepeo plethere. with earl yinthemornin g. up up ( )us uallygotosch ool ;at up halfp astseven. )oftendo theirhomewor katfiveo clo ck the afternoon t hea. ft ernoo th ebus.——She ( )9. isitfro mheretotheof fice? long far much ( )doyouget toschool, bikeor f ;on Loudinthel ibrary. ,ttalking , )12. —Canwe runinthehall ways? ,wecan t. , wecan t. , we don' t. ( ) towearas chooluniform atschool. ),s tot hezoo. go ( )15.- - d oyoulikepand as? ——Becau setheyarecut e. arev ery oot? ;by ;o n ()11. ,tt alk tous. :friendly :friendly :friends ( )17. 一 Why doyoulikekoa las? 一 Beca use they' re interestin g. of of kindof ( )huiis basketballw ithhisfriend s. ()19. aretheg irlsfrom? ( )student s gamesaf ter voile yballnow. jareplaying playingjpl ay ;play III.完形填空. Boba ndSueareinth esameschool, Itheyarein different2 ・ T heygotoschoo lonweekdays ・ 3school, Boba ndSueoftenpl ay game sw ith4 friends ・ Cl assesbegin5e ightinthemor ning. NowBoba ndSueareinth eirclassroom s. Theyarelis teningtothei r.Bob'sstudy ingEnglish ・ H isteacherist alking7 Eng lish ・ Sueis8a Chineseclass ・ Herteacheri stalking9wri ting.Theystu dyhard. Theyl ovetheirteac hersandtheyl iketheirl0. ( )10. A. h ome famil y C. school IV •阅读理解。 ()1. A. b ut B. and ()2. son ()3. ()4. ther ()5. ()6 C ・ teachers with B. at ()8. C. or A. c lasses A. In A. their A. about B. in . A. friends ()7. C. in B. cl ass B ・ When C. At C. les B. her C. o C. a t B. father A. sterling C ・ g )9. A. at B. about C. for A. 阅读短文,判断下列句子是 w. Jimandlstu dyinthesamem iddleschool, butindiffere 否符合短文内容。符合的写(T),不符合的写。 To mworksinasup ermarketisfa rfromhishous rwithhiswife .Atsevenhewa tchesTVorlis tentotheradi sworkverymuc h. Heisalways friendlytoot hers. Andallh isfriendslov ehim, too. The yworkhappily . ( )1. Tom isaworkerina noffice ・ ( )2. Tom ' shou seisn ' tfaraw ayfromthesup ermarket. ( )3. Hedoesn ' thavelunchw ithhisfamily ・ ( )4. Hel ikeshisworka ndisfriendly toothers. ( )5.Heisn" t agoodworker ・ B ・阅读短文,选出最佳答案。 Mynameis Kate. Mr. Zhou ismyfatheran dT mhisdaugh ter ・ Mymother isanAmerican ,butmyfather haveabrother ・ Hisnameisji m. Wearestudy e.Hegetsupve kfastathalfp nthesupermar ryearlyinthe astsixandtak ket ・ Hehasdin morning ・ Heus esabustowork nerwithhisfa uallyhasbrea .Hehaslunchi milyathome ・ A fterdinnerhe usuallywalks alongtherive o. Tomlikeshi isaChinese ・ I inginChinano ackhomeafter schoolinthea fternoon. Weh avesomeChine sefriends ・ We loveChina ・ 1.Howmanypeo plearetherei nKateJ sfamil y? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 2.WhoisChi neseinKate,s family? A. K ate' sfather ・B. Kate' smo ther ・C ・Kate' sparents・ 3 . Whendotheyg otoschoolint hemorning? A. At six thir t y. B. Atseve n C. Ats eventen. 4.JimandKate arein_________ ・ A.differe ntschoolsB ・ t hesameschool C. samegrades 5.Katean djimhavesome Chinese__________ ・ A. fathe rs B. mo thers C ・ friends V.句型转换,根据要求变换句型,每空一词。 oftendo seherhomewor kintheevenin g.(改为一般疑问 句) Sheoften herhomewo rkintheeveni ng? candoku ngfu.(就划线部分提问) youdo? ta kesmetenminu testogetther e.(就划线部分提问) doseittakey outogetthere ? mustbeont imeforclass.(改为祈使句) tim eforclass! ,replayingin theswimmingp ool.(就划线部分提问)arethey intheswi mmingpool? VI•情景对话。 A: Hi, He rry! . B : Iwanttogoto thezoo. A: T hatsoundsgre at. ・ B: Ilikeeleph ants ・ A: . B : Becausethe y , rebigandsm art ・ ・ A: No, Idon" likekoa las, becauset hey" recute ・ B : A : They ' refromAustr alia. anima lsdoyoulike? doyouwantt ogo? doyoul ikeelephants ? aretheyfr om? youlike elephants? 查看更多

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