


Lesson 14 Amazing Animals 1.To learn words and phrases and some useful expressions. mouse, lay, shake, avoid, be famous for, up to long-eared, jerboa, kiwi, long-nosed, eggplant, flap 2.To grasp some important sentence structures, understand the passage and the grammar points. 3. we should love animals protect them and make friends with them. Learning Objectives: Do you know these animals? It looks like a mouse. With its long ears, it also reminds people of rabbit. 使...想起.... 老鼠;鼠标 mouse-mice Long-eared jerboa[dʒɜ:ˈbəʊə]长 耳的跳鼠 It is a bird and it can lay eggs. 产(卵)lay-laid-laid kiwi几维鸟 They are famous for their noses. Their noses are as big as eggplants! When they are happy or excited, they shake their noses, that's funny! shake-shook-shaken 摇动;抖动 Long-nosed monkeys 长鼻猴 [ˈegplɑ:nt]茄子 因......出名 It can flap its wings up to 70 times a second. It flies out of the water to avoid enemies [əˈvɔɪd] 避开;躲避 鼓翼而飞;拍打 flap-flapped-flapped flying fish 飞鱼 达到 summary: words and phrases long-eared jerboa [dʒɜ:ˈbəʊə] mouse kiwi lay long-nosed eggplant [ˈegplɑ:nt] shake flap avoid [əˈvɔɪd] remind......of...... be famous for up to adj.长耳的 n.跳鼠 n.老鼠;鼠标 mouse-mice n.几维鸟 v.产(卵);放置 lay-laid-laid adj.长鼻子的 n.茄子 v.摇动;抖动 shake-shook-shaken v.鼓翼而飞;拍打flap-flapped-flapped v.避开;躲避 使...想起.... 因......出名 达到 The long-eared jerboas look like mice. With their long ears, they also remind people of rabbits. Their ears are much longer than their heads. They live in the deserts of Asia. On the sand, they jump like kangaroos! What a cute animal! 1、These animals' names are______ 2、Where do they live? 3、翻译下面句子 Their ears are much longer than their heads. Read the lesson and answer the questions 1.These animals' names are 2.Where do they live? They live in the deserts of Asia. 3.Their ears are much longer than their heads. 他们的耳朵比他们的头长得多。 Long-eared jerboas. 1. Long-eared jerboas look like mice. 长耳朵的跳鼠长得像老鼠。 long-eard形容词,意为“长耳朵的” 例如:blue-eyed 蓝眼睛的 long-nosed长鼻子的 kind-hearted 和善的,好心的 2. With their long ears, they also remind people of rabbits. 它们的长耳朵也使人们想起兔子。 remind sb. of sth. “就……提醒(某人);使 (某人)想起……”。 remind sb. to do sth. “提醒某人做某事” This picture often reminds me of my childhood. 这张照片经常使我想起我的童年。 Don't forget to remind him to close the door. 别忘记提醒他关门。 3. Their ears are much longer than their heads. 它们的长耳朵比它们的头长得多。 much+比较级表示“……得多”。 Tom thinks English is much more interesting than math. 汤姆认为英语比数学有趣得多。 Kiwis are birds, but they can't fly. Kiwis can be as big as chickens. Like all birds, they lay eggs—— big eggs. People call them kiwis because they make the sound: keee-weee. Kiwis live in New Zealand and are a national animal of the country. Do you like them? 1、Can they lay eggs? 2、Where do they live? 3、What makes them amazing? Read the lesson and answer the questions 1.Can they lay eggs? 2.Where do they live? They live in New Zealand. 3.What makes them amazing? They are birds, but they can’t fly. They lay big eggs. Yes, they can. Long-nosed monkeys live in Southeast Asia.They are famous for their large noses. Their noses are as big as eggplants. When the monkeys are happy or excited, they shake their noses. That's funny! 1、These animals' names are______ 2、Where do they live? 3、What does the monkeys do when they are happy and excited? Read the lesson and answer the questions 1.Their noses are as big as__________ 2.Where do they live? They live in Southeast Asia. 3. What does the monkeys do when they are happy and excited? They shake their noses. eggplants. 4. They are famous for their large noses. 它们以大鼻子而闻名。 be famous for 意为“因……而著名”。 be famous as 意为“作为……而著名”。 Suzhou is famous for silk. 苏州以丝绸而著名。 He is famous as a writer. 他作为一名作家而著名。 Can fish fly? Most people would say no. Look at this fish. It looks like a bird with its large wings. It can jump out of the water and flap its wings up to 70 times a second. You can see flying fish all over the world. It flies out of the water to avoid enemies. 1、It can jump out of the water and flap its wings _______70 times a second. 2、Where does it live? 3、How can the flying fish avoid the enemies? Read the lesson and answer the questions 1、It can jump out of the water and flap its wings _______70 times a second. 2、Where does it live? 3、How can the flying fish avoid the enemies? All over the world. It flies out of the water to avoid enemies. up to 5. It can jump out of the water and flap its wings up to 70 times a second. 它可以跳出水面,以每秒钟多达七十次 的频率挥动翅膀。 up to表示程度或数量,意思是“多达, 达到……程度或数量”。 This hotel can hold up to 500 people. 这家旅馆可供500位旅客住宿。 6. It flies out of the water to avoid enemies. 它飞出水面来躲避敌人 avoid:v. 避开;躲避 avoid+名词/代词/动名词 students should avoid spending too much time watching TV. 学生们应该避免花费太长时间来看电视。 T h e A m a z i n g A n i m a l s W h a t ' s i t s n a m e ? W h e r e d o t h e y l i v e ? W h a t n a k e s i t a m a z i n g ? Try to retell the passage! Exercise 1: lay wings enemy avoid mouse 1. The ________ didn’t see the cat nearby. It ran out the cave and was caught by the cat. 2. These days, more and more people are raising chickens, not only because chickens are great pets, but also because they _______ eggs. 3. Birds use their _________ to fly. 4. The driver had to stop suddenly to _______ an accident. 5. Man has no greater _______ than himself. mouse wings avoid enemy lay Exercise 2: 1. We will have dinner at QianXiLong Restaurant. It is famous ____it's food. A. of B. to C. for D. as 2. These photos remind me _______ my childhood. A. of B. off C. for D. to 3. When Mike grew up, he was as ______ as a horse. A. strong B.stronger C. strongest D. the strongest 4. The little boy can count_______ one thousand. A. up on B. up C. up from D. up to 5. she stepped over to the other side to avoid ________ him. A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. meets C A A D B Exercise 3: 1. My mum raised some ducks and they_____(lay) many eggs. 2. It seemed that the victim had many__________ (enemy). 3. Tom never does his homework as ________(good) as his cousin. He makes a lot of mistakes. 4. The population of china is much_______ (large) than that of Australia. 5. There are many________(mouse) in this old house laid enemies good larger mice Can you write about an amazing animal or your favorite animal? 1、What is its name? 2、Where does it live? 3、What makes it amazing ? 4、What is its feature? 5、What does it look like? 6、What is the relationship between human and animals? Writing Community of a Shared Future 命运共同体 Homework 1. Do the exercises in 《Learning English》. 2. Preview Lesson 15. 查看更多

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