


Lesson 48 Li Ming’s Summer Holiday 教学目标 1.掌握单词:organize, camp, share 短语:walk in the forest, at the lake, listen to, summer camp, stay with, at the same time, share…with…, look forward to, etc. 2.学会如何介绍自己的暑假计划。 3.能使用一般将来时介绍自己的暑假计划和活动。 5.学会如何用英语写电子邮件。 教学思路 本课时的教学内容是冀教版七年级英语下册第八单元的第六课时,重点在于引导学生了 解李明写给詹妮的电子邮件,从谈论“詹妮的暑假计划”开始,导入李明的暑假计划的话题。 以介绍李明的暑假计划作为任务引起学生的兴趣,训练学生如何用英语利用电子邮件和笔友 交流。学习英语单词,同时在文章中反复运用一般将来时。因此,我将知识目标定为掌握本课 时新出现的词和短语,如何利用电子邮件交友。情感目标定为学生能学会用英语写电子邮件。 本课涉及本单元谈论暑假计划的话题,李明介绍自己的暑假计划和到农村生活等内容,熟悉 并掌握本单元的单词、短语和句型。通过学习这封电子邮件,了解李明的暑假计划和李明要 去农村生活的经历,并把经历写下来和詹妮分享,培养学生根据语境,合理推断语境中的逻辑 关系,提高逻辑思维的能力。通过阅读文章,了解学生是如何度过一个有意义的暑假的。 教学过程 StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景 1】 Summer holiday is coming!I want to do many things that i can’t do in my full time.so,look at the pictures,and guess ,what is the teacher going to do ? Leading in 【情景 2】 Begin the class with a free talk.Teacher asks the students to talk about their summer plan. T:For students,it’s a good time to relax or to learn,what are you going to do? Talk with your partner,ask what is she/he going to do during the summer holiday?Then tell me your plans,ok? S1:I will do my homework. S2:I will go swimming. S3:I am going to practice playing the piano. S4:I will go to my uncle’s and help them on the farm. [设计意图] 老师带头,激发学生表达欲,用英语描述自己的计划。两人一组,谈论学 生们是如何度过即将到来的暑假的,孩子们即将体验不同的生活方式,加深对本单元内容的 理解程度,复习了学过的单词、短语和句型。 StepⅡ.New words 1. learn the new words and expressions in this part:organize, camp, share... T:Guess what Liming is going to do. S5:...organized a camp ,Liming is going to go camping,he will share sth with his friends.... [设计意图] 两人组合练习之前,让同学们尽量学会生词,增加同学们的词汇量。通过三 个单词猜想李明的夏日计划,将词语从词到句转换。 2. Game:choose a lucky number ,behind the number ,there is a new word we learned before,and one of the number is a gift. [设计意图] 检查单词掌握情况,激发学习热情,巩固基础词汇,短语。 Step Ⅲ.Listening 1. Listen to the tape with your book closed and fill in the blanks. Another school year is over! Our school organized a special two-week summer camp. I am going to the countryside. I will experience a new life in another part of China. It will be fun. I am really look forward to it! 2.Ask the students to listen to the tape and try to imitate it; pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. [设计意图] 加深同学们对细节的掌握,学生们在有了一定的信息输入之后,才能在这 一部分回答问题。跟读可以使同学们练习正确的语音和语调。 Step Ⅳ.Reading 1. translate: Our school organized a special two-week summer camp. I'm going to write down all of my experiences and share them with you. … Read and find the key points. The following language points should be explained. ☆教材解读☆ 1.Our school organized a special two-week summer camp. ◆organize 动词,意为“组织”,后接名词作宾语,其名词形式为 organization,意为“组 织”;形容词是 organized,意为“有组织的”。 Lily helped me organize the meeting. 莉莉帮助我组织了这次会议。 We will organize a speech contest. 我们将组织一次演讲比赛。 We have some organized activities in our school.在我们学校有一些有组织的活动。 ◆two-week 意为“两周的”, 用作形容词,在句中只能作定语。它的同义短语是 two weeks’。 They will have a seven-day holiday during the National Day.在国庆节期间他们 将会有一个七天的假期。 It’s about five-minute walk from my home to school.从我家到学校大约五分钟的 路程。 【注意】 “数词+名词”组成的形容词,里面的名词必须用单数。 2.I am going to write down all of my experiences and share them with you. ◆share 动词,意为“分享,合用”,常构成短语 share…with…,意为“与……分享……”。 share in 分享;分担。 Lily shares the bedroom with her sister. 莉莉和她姐姐一起住这间卧室。 I share my lunch with Mike. 我和迈克分享午饭。 She always shares in my joy and sadness. 她总是分担我的欢乐和忧愁。 ◆write down 意为“写下;记下”,接名词时,名词可以放在 down 的后面,也可以放在中 间,接代词时,代词必须放在中间。 The students write the teacher’s words down.学生们把老师的话写下来。 Must I write them down? 我必须把它们写下来吗? 2.Read the text and answer the questions. (1)What did the school organize? (2)Where will Liming go? (3)What is Liming going to do ? (4)He is really … Check the ansewrs together in the text. … [设计意图] 学生在听了细节,朗读巩固之后,再根据课文内容提出问题,增加学生对课 文的理解程度。 Step Ⅴ.Discuss How to write an e-mail about summer holiday? 1.Which tense(时态)? the simple future tense 2.What points ? the beginning: Hi,xx, main body: What is the holiday plan? Where will you go ? What will you do ? How do you feel? the end: yours/your friend xx Ask the students to read the passage.Students read the passage aloud.Focus on what Liming wrote about the summer plan(the structure of the e-mail).Then talk about the 2 questions together. [设计意图] 再读课文,确定写计划的时态,发现邮件内容,确定写法,引导学生给自 己的朋友写一封介绍自己暑假计划的电子邮件,巩固一般将来时态的使用。 Step Ⅵ.Writing Work in pairs.Suppose you will go on your dream summer holiday.Write about it. Task tips:Where will you go?How will you get there? Who will you go with? What will you do there? How long will you stay there? [设计意图] 描写自己梦想的暑假计划,你想去哪,怎么去那,和谁去,你要在那做什么, 在那待多长时间,提供了一个同学们交流的平台,自然呈现本单元的核心句型,为学生进一步 输出语言提供了口语示范。 Step Ⅶ.Homework 1.Review and recite the important points of this lesson. 2.Finish writing an email to your friend about your summer plans. 3.Preview the next lesson. 查看更多

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