


第 6 课时 [Unit 1 Lesson 6] Ⅰ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 1.Our Chinese teacher asks us to keep ________ (diary) every day. 2.There are many tall ________(build) in our city. 3.Erhu is one of Chinese ________(instrument). 4.My cousin ________(hold) a birthday party last week. Ⅱ.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 a few, be over, thousands of, look for, fly home 5.My friends will____________ tomorrow. I will miss them. 6.Hi, David. What are you ____________? 7.____________ visitors go to visit the Bird's Nest every year. 8.The meeting will____________ in two days. 9.He feels hungry, so he wants to buy____________ hamburgers. Ⅲ.单项选择 ( )10.We need to buy some vegetables because there are ________ in the fridge. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little ( )11.Who ________ wants to join us to take a tour to Lanzhou next month? A.else B.other C.others D.another ( )12.It's reported that over eight ________ people lost their lives in the earthquake in Nepal. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of ( )13. Don't worry. He ________ back in five minutes. A.come B.am coming C.will come D.came Ⅳ.单句改错 14.I learned A so B many C about D Chinese culture. _____________________________________________________________ 15.I eat A some B delicious C food D yesterday. _____________________________________________________________ 16. There are A only a B little C apples D in the basket. _____________________________________________________________ Ⅴ.[2018·天津]阅读理解 Dear Susan, How are you? I'm going to visit Hong Kong with Mum and Dad next month. We'll arrive on the second of August. It's so exciting! We can meet each other soon! I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August. I know that you've visited Ocean Park many times before. Can you give me some advice on what to see in Ocean Park? I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August. Are you free on that day? I've bought a present for you. I think you'll love it. By the way, would you like to go to Disneyland with me? I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland. You know, I love the famous cartoon characters of Disney, such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse very much. I know you love them, too. When can you go to Disneyland with me? Please let me know. I'll stay until the ninth of August and go back to England on that day. See you soon. Love, Lily ( )17.When will Lily arrive in Hong Kong? A.On the second of August. B.On the third of August. C.On the fourth of August. D.On the ninth of August. ( )18.How long will Lily spend in Ocean Park? A.Half a day. B.One day. C.One and a half days. D.Two days. ( )19.What will Lily do on the fourth of August? A.Buy a present. B.Visit Ocean Park. C.Go back to England. D.Visit Susan at her home. ( )20.What will Lily do in Disneyland? A.Take photos. B.Watch a cartoon. C.See a film of Mickey Mouse. D.Read the story of Snow White. ( )21.Lily wants to know ________. A.if Susan has received her present B.when she will go back to England C.if Susan can meet her at the airport D.when Susan can go to Disneyland with her 参考答案 Ⅰ.1.diaries 2.buildings 3.instruments 4.held Ⅱ.5.fly home 6. looking for 7.Thousands of 8.be over 9.a few Ⅲ.10.B 11.A 句意:还有谁想下个月和我们一起去兰州旅行?else 意为“另外的,其他的”,位于疑问词或不定代词的 后面。 12.A 13.C 考查动词时态。句意:不要担心。五分钟后他就回来了。根据句意和时间状语“in five minutes”可判断用 一般将来时,故选 C。 Ⅳ.14.C many→much 15.A eat→ate 16.C little→few Ⅴ.17.A 18.B 由第二段第一句 “I will spend a day in Ocean Park…”可知选 B。 19.D 由第三段第一句“I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August.”可知,在 8 月 4 日 Lily 将去拜访 Susan。故选 D。 20.A 21.D 由第五段第一句“When can you go to Disneyland with me?”可知选 D。 查看更多

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